JPMorgan Chase $200 billion pledge for environmental & economic development deals has expanded

$200 billion is the amount JPMorgan Chase & Co pledged in 2020 for environmental and economic development deals, while simultaneously restricting fossil fuel loans for oil drilling and coal mining in the Arctic.

What is JP Morgan’s current state of play?

JPMorgan Chase’s Sustainable Development Target is to finance and facilitate over $2.5 trillion over a decade (2021-2030) for climate change and sustainable development.

– 2022 Achievements: In 2022, the firm financed and facilitated about $197 billion toward the Target.

– Breakdown of 2022 Financing: This included $70 billion for green initiatives, $87 billion for development finance, and $40 billion for community development.

– Cumulative Progress Since 2021: Since 2021, JPMorgan Chase has contributed a total of $482 billion toward the Sustainable Development Target.

– Progress Towards Green Target: Of the total, $176 billion has gone toward the $1 trillion green target.

#jpmorgan #sustainabiltystrategies #sustainablefinance #greenfinance

Source: JPMorgan Chase