Warner Bros. Discovery publishes its inaugural sustainability report in April 2024

Keywords: Disclosures

Warner Bros. Discovery Sets the Bar High in Sustainability Practices

Warner Bros. Discovery’s 2023 Sustainability Report serves as a thorough roadmap, detailing the company’s concerted efforts to embed Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into its core operations. In this analysis, we take a closer look at key aspects of the report to offer a nuanced perspective on Warner Bros. Discovery’s sustainability endeavors.

  • Environmental Leadership: Warner Bros. Discovery aggressively reduces its carbon footprint through detailed emissions tracking and substantial investments in renewable energy.
  • Commitment to DEI: The company actively promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion with nearly balanced gender representation and extensive diversity initiatives.
  • Ethical Governance: Strong governance and ethical standards are enforced with comprehensive oversight, training programs, and robust compliance frameworks.

Overview and Strategic Focus

David Zaslav, President and CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery, emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices in media production and corporate operations, underpinning the narrative of responsibility and inclusivity. WBD operates with the philosophy that media companies have a unique opportunity to influence society positively by promoting sustainability through storytelling and corporate actions.

Through our work, we believe we have an opportunity and a responsibility to make a difference in our communities and the world at large — and our strong focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies and initiatives underscores this commitment.

Environmental Sustainability Efforts

Warner Bros. Discovery has implemented a broad range of environmental initiatives aimed at minimizing its carbon footprint and enhancing ecological stewardship:

  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions: The company has developed a detailed GHG emissions inventory, identifying key areas for emissions reduction across Scope 1, Scope 2, and selected Scope 3 categories. This initiative is critical for setting quantifiable targets and tracking progress against international standards.
  • Renewable Energy Initiatives: WBD reported substantial progress in sourcing renewable energy, with 44,841 MWh generated or purchased across various locations globally, including Finland, New Zealand, Poland, the United States, and the United Kingdom. This represents a significant commitment to reducing dependency on non-renewable energy sources.
  • Sustainable Production Practices: The company has received multiple accolades for its green production practices, including 40 Environmental Media Association Green Seals. These recognitions underscore its commitment to sustainable operational practices across its content production lifecycle.

Social Commitments and Workforce Initiatives

Warner Bros. Discovery places a strong emphasis on creating a diverse and inclusive workplace and extending its social impact into the communities where it operates:

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): WBD has a comprehensive DEI strategy that includes extensive training programs, recruitment initiatives aimed at increasing diversity, and measures to ensure an inclusive workplace culture. The company’s workforce statistics reflect a nearly balanced gender ratio and significant representation across various racial and ethnic groups.
  • Employee Engagement and Development: WBD actively invests in its employees’ professional growth and personal well-being. In 2023, nearly 7,000 employees engaged in development programs tailored to enhance skills relevant to their roles and the industry at large. The company also emphasizes leadership training, with a significant focus on DEI competencies.
  • Community Engagement: The company’s social impact extends beyond its direct business operations, with employees logging over 41,000 volunteer hours in various community service efforts, ranging from environmental projects to educational and social initiatives.

Governance and Ethical Practices

Governance at Warner Bros. Discovery is underscored by robust oversight mechanisms designed to ensure compliance and foster a culture of ethical integrity:

  • Corporate Governance: The company’s Board of Directors, through its Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and Audit Committee, provides strategic oversight on ESG matters. This includes reviewing public disclosures and ensuring the effectiveness of internal controls related to ESG reporting.
  • Ethical Business Practices: WBD is committed to high ethical standards across all operations, evidenced by its comprehensive Code of Ethics and ongoing training programs that include anti-bribery and anti-corruption elements.

Warner Bros. Discovery’s 2023 Sustainability Report highlights its strong commitment to sustainability, encompassing environmental impact reduction, workplace diversity, and ethical governance. This commitment positions the company as a leader in sustainable media practices, ready to navigate future challenges and opportunities in the global market.