Unlock the carbon certification code: Your ultimate guide

The Carbon Certification Standard Application Scope table comprehensively covers 48 carbon certification standards, This table is highly informative. It might appear overwhelming at first glance, but it serves as an excellent reference document.

Some of these are not-for-profit, while others operate on a vertically integrated or commercial basis. These standards are categorized into seven dominant classifications:

  1. Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry (including agroforestry, land management, and ARR)
  2. Conservation & REDD+ (encompassing both project and jurisdictional aspects)
  3. Carbon Dioxide Removal (covering engineered carbon removal and biochar)
  4. Industrial GHG emission reduction and energy efficiency
  5. Methane Capture (including waste handling and disposal)
  6. Renewable Energy
  7. Domestic Energy Efficiency (encompassing areas like cookstoves, efficient lighting, water access, and building energy efficiency)

Source: Curated by Hamerkop Climate Impacts