The SBTi wants your feedback on scope 3 discussion paper – deadline Sept 12

Shared by SBTi, “As part of a major revision of our Corporate Net-Zero Standard (CNZS), the SBTi has recently published a scope 3 discussion paper, setting out the challenges and opportunities with scope 3 target setting and to share our initial thinking on potential changes.

The paper aims to facilitate stakeholder engagement on the potential changes and to gather feedback around the proposed approach and preliminary options outlined in the paper. This feedback will help inform the development of the CNZS V2.0 public consultation draft.”

The SBTi releases research on considerations for a more effective approach to scope 3 emissions. This is an early step in the review of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard; guidance remains unchanged until process is complete.

Scope 3 Discussion Paper

A discussion paper setting out the SBTi’s initial thinking on potential changes being explored around scope 3 target setting, including underlying principles and concepts. The discussion paper is informative by nature and does not propose draft requirements or criteria.

Read the SBTi Scope 3 Discussion Paper, July 2024

Scope 3 Discussion Paper Response Form

Stakeholders are invited to share feedback on the scope 3 discussion paper until September 12th 2024, and may respond via this form:

Scope 3 Discussion Paper Feedback Form

Sue Jenny Ehr, Interim CEO, SBTi said: “Today’s announcement marks a key step in the revision process for the Corporate Net-Zero Standard. Over the last decade, the SBTi has validated the targets of over 5,000 companies with another 3,000 companies having committed to submit targets for SBTi validation. Targets are the first step to decarbonization and it is important that the SBTi conducts a comprehensive process to revise the Standard to help companies take the lead on climate action and drive down emissions.”

Alberto Carrillo Pineda, Chief Technical Officer, SBTi said: “The outputs released today are a critical step in understanding how the SBTi can develop a more sophisticated approach to scope 3 to help more businesses set targets. The SBTi believes that direct decarbonization must remain the priority for corporate climate action and looks forward to the extensive public consultation on the draft Corporate Net-Zero Standard.”