The facts: What does 1.5 degrees target mean for our planet?

1.5 degrees Celsius is a global warming limit that was set by the Paris Agreement in 2015.

It is the amount by which the average global temperature should not rise above pre-industrial levels.

But why 1.5 degrees?

Exceeding this limit could have disastrous consequences, from more extreme weather events to rising sea levels.

Today, we are currently around 1.1ºC

This infographic shows the expected impacts of different climate scenarios.

As #ClimateWeek and the #UNAssembly take place, let’s prioritize policies that align with the 1.5-degree target and accelerate our transition to a greener future

#climateaction #climatefinance #climatetech #climatecrisis

UN Environment Programme United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) United Nations