The facts: The sports millionaires love to play

recent Wealth-X analysis took an in-depth look at the favored pursuits of the world’s very high net worth population (VHNW) who have assets of between $5 million and $30 million. It states that the vast majority of them are self-made and tend to focus on the day-to-day running of commercial enterprises.

Nevertheless, they do have a long list of passions such as fashion, technology and the outdoors, with sports and philanthropy standing out in particular, according to Wealth-X. Interest in these hobbies tends to vary by wealth level and engagement increases with age.

Sport is universally popular among the wealthy with a quarter of individuals in the Wealth-X database engaging in it regularly as either a leisure pursuit or for relaxation. Golf is the most favored sport by far with 18.6 percent of VHNWs playing or watching it, hardly surprising given its association with the rich and famous. Soccer, the world’s most popular sport, comes second with 11.6 percent.

Wealth-X notes that wealthy individuals are more likely to watch soccer than play it, though commercial involvement in the sport by wealthy individuals has soared over the past decade. Skiing, which is known for luxurious and exclusive resorts favored by the rich, comes third with 10.9 percent.

Source: Statista June 2021