The Crossing: Calvi-Monaco Water Bike Challenge 

On September 12 and 13, 2020, two teams of 4 athletes crossed the Mediterranean between Corsica and Monaco. Departing from the port of Calvi, the objective was to reach the Principality in a minimum time, by relay on water bikes. The Serenity team, led by H.S.H. Princess Charlene, beat the Notorious team led by Gareth Wittstock by 14 minutes.

This sporting challenge will have made it possible to promote the actions of the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation and to raise funds for the fight against drowning.

The Foundation thanks everyone who participated in this adventure: David Tanner, Jérôme Fernandez, Mathew Bennett, Kevin Crovetto, Brandon Green, Guido Belinskis.

Thanks to Stéphanie Geyer Barneix, Race Director, as well as all the support teams present during the crossing.
Thank you to the City of Calvi for its warm welcome.

Thank you to the sponsors and partners of the race, and to the donors who made this Water Bike Challenge a success!

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