Textile sector ranks as fifth largest contributor to climate change

The textile industry stands out as one of the EU’s most polluting sectors, producing around 12.6 million tonnes of textile waste annually. With 270 kg of CO2 per person generated from textile production consumed in the EU in 2020 alone, this sector ranks as the fifth largest contributor to climate change in terms of household consumption.

Textiles are following food, housing, and mobility. Transitioning to a circular textile production and consumption model, characterized by longer product use, increased reuse, and enhanced recycling, has the potential to mitigate these impacts, alongside overall consumption reductions.

Key to this transition is the adoption of circular design principles in textile production, aimed at enhancing product durability, repairability, and recyclability. By ensuring the incorporation of secondary raw materials into new products, circular design fosters a more sustainable and resource-efficient approach to textile manufacturing and consumption.

Source: EEA Report 2023