Sustainability in finance, how to integrate 8 roles explanatory white paper by ED4S

Keywords: Action, Learn, Newsroom

Embedding sustainability in finance: a role-specific approach to ESG integration across 8 key positions

Most ESG and business sustainability literature is generic, where ESG concepts and principles are tackled broadly. This white paper aims to progress ESG from the realm of theory and into the realm of actual day-to-day task integration. 

The methodology for this white paper was designed to provide a clear and practical pathway for integrating sustainability practices into traditional roles within financial institutions. 

The ED4S whitepaper emphasizes the importance of embedding sustainability into eight specific finance roles, making it role-relevant for enduring and effective business sustainability. Traditionally, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles have been discussed broadly. This paper moves beyond theoretical discussions, integrating ESG into the daily tasks of key finance positions:

  1. Commercial Lending Representative
  2. Communications Specialist
  3. Investment Advisor
  4. Investment Analyst
  5. Portfolio Manager
  6. Procurement Specialist
  7. Risk Manager
  8. Software Developer

Through collaboration with various ESG experts, the paper demonstrates how these roles can incorporate sustainability into their responsibilities. The goal is to make ESG actionable, showing how it can impact daily business functions. Additionally, the paper thanks contributors and highlights its importance for sustainable finance professionals, suggesting that it can be adapted to meet specific institutional needs.

Download the report to uncover detailed insights and results from this research.

ED4S specializes in bridging the sustainability skills gap in the financial sector by providing expert built, technology-enabled training and capacity-building solutions.

Report Authors
Maria Maisuradze, CFA, FSA, CEO, ED4S
Matt Orsagh, CFA, Chief Content Officer, ED4S
Nawar Alsaadi, FSA, SIPC, Senior Advisor, ED4S and CEO, Kanata Advisors

Contributions by many ESG professionals (Ana Guzman Quintana, Carlos Blanco, Codrut Nicolau, David Balkcom, CFA, Hardik Shah, CFA, John Uhren, Kavita Jadeja, Martin Jarzebowski, CFA, Sebastian Davila, Sloane Ortel, Tauwfiq W. , Valérie Vedrines).