Ryan Hagan – LinkedIn Top Green Voice U.S.

Keywords: Changemakers

Huge sustainability nerd. Founder at Crowdsourcing Sustainability. Empowering people everywhere to help reverse global heating asap. 200,000+ read our newsletter. TEDx & UN recognized | Speaker | LinkedIn Top Voices

Followers: ~19k

Talks About:

Hagen covers how employees can help make their company a climate leader, as well as how to grow a career in the green economy. As the leader of an organization that crowdsources sustainability ideas, he digs into the impacts of a warming planet and the stories of sustainability champions for the more than 215,000 subscribers across his three newsletters on “Leaders in Sustainability,” “The Effects of Global Warming” and “How to Help Reverse Global Warming.” Hagen connects professionals to climate-focused colleagues in their field and provides resources for workers who may feel stuck in their pursuit of green jobs.

Visit the LinkedIn Profile

Source: Date November 2022


