Peace and Sport’s ‘Ride for Peace’ celebrates peace, unity and solidarity

Monaco – Just hours before the official start of the Tour de France’s final stage, the ‘Ride for Peace’ parade commenced with great fanfare. Forty internationally renowned figures and athletes, dressed in white, embarked on a 33.7-kilometre ride from Monaco to Nice’s Place Masséna.

Prince Albert II, with Princess Charlene, kicked off the parade, warmly greeting participants including Marc Raquil, Christopher Froome, Marlène Harnois, Marion Rousse, Laurent Jalabert, and Thomas Voeckler, all Champions for Peace.

Organized by Peace and Sport in partnership with Amaury Sport Organisation, the parade successfully highlighted sport’s role as a powerful vehicle for peace, unity, and solidarity worldwide.

Source: Monaco Tribune
Photo credits: © Michael Alesi / Prince’s Palace