Join Enda O’Coineen as he cycles Paris2Nice for Atlantic Youth Trust, Sept 1-7


Paris2Nice is a non-competitive charity cycle that takes place every year in September by amateur cyclists.

The cycling event takes place over six days, every year, starting off in the beautiful city of Paris and finishing on the iconic Promenade des Anglais in Nice, around 4pm Sept 7th.

The Paris2Nice is a major fundraiser for Irish charities as 100% of funds raised go directly to the cyclist’s chosen charity.

Enda’s chosen charity is “The Atlantic Youth Trust”, which he co-founded in 2013. The mission of the charity is to connect youth with ocean and adventure. Together with developing sustainability and supporting and protecting the environment.

The charity brings youths from around Ireland, North and South, to learn about the ocean, sustainability and leadership – when they take a 10 day voyage on the “Grace O’Malley” tall ship.

What are the dates of the Paris2Nice cycle?

The dates for Paris2Nice 2023 are 1st – 7th September 2023. Cyclists will arrive into Paris on Friday 1st September 2023. The actual cycle begins on the morning of Saturday 2nd September

  • Day 1: Saturday September 2nd, Paris to Montargis 125km
  • Day 2: Sunday September 3rd, Montargis to Nevers 145km
  • Day 3: Monday September 4th, Roussas to Carpentras 65km
  • Day 4: Tuesday September 5th, Carpentras to Aix-En-Provence 125km/164km
  • Day 5: Wednesday September 6th, Aix-En-Provence to St. Maxime 127km
  • Day 6: Thursday September 7th, St. Maxime to Nice 110km

You can find a more detailed description of each days route here.

Message from Enda O’Coineen

Thank you for taking the time to visit my fundraising page on

I’m taking part in Paris2Nice 2023.

I’ve chosen to fundraise for Atlantic Youth Trust. All funds raised here will go directly to this great cause.

I hope you can help me by donating whatever you can.

Simply click the donate button. All donations are processed securely.

You can also share my page. This is a great way to show your support.

Many thanks for your support!

Atlantic Youth Trust

The mission of the Atlantic Youth Trust is to connect youth with ocean and adventure. Together with developing sustainability and supporting and protecting the environment.

The Atlantic Youth Trust was founded in 2013. It is a non-profit organisation with a focus on education, youth development, maritime development, tourism and enterprise. The Atlantic Youth Trust is about bringing young people together from all parts of Ireland, North and South.


Atlantic Flagship

Our goal is to deliver a top voyage programme through our tall ship, The Grace O’Malley. Through this we will build our Atlantic Youth Academy. Operating 10-day voyages for 15 to 17 year-olds, from North and South Ireland.

Atlantic Youth Club

Developing a network of regional Irish chapters in Cork, Dublin, Galway, Derry and Belfast for community engagement. With a long-term strategy of building relationships within a global network of youth development sail programmes.

Atlantic Academy

Implementing longer-term educational programmes on and offshore for the development of skills and training which will serve as a pathway to third level, and careers in the maritime, marine environment, and conservation sectors.

Paris2Nice the big picture

September 1 – 7, France and Ireland

Paris2Nice is a non-competitive charity cycle that takes place every year in September.

It is a major fundraiser for Irish charities as 100% of funds raised go directly to the cyclist’s chosen charity.

The cycling event takes place over six days during the month of September every year starting off in the beautiful city of Paris and finishing on the iconic Promenade des Anglais in Nice.

Fundraising is an important aspect of the Paris2Nice experience and as well as paying for their own participation costs, all participants must raise a minimum of €3,000 for their own chosen charity.

Previous Paris2Nice participants have fundraised beyond their expectations and in the past 10 years upwards of 400 amateur cyclists have raised over €4,500,000 for multiple charities.

This exceptional level of fundraising was achieved through the support and encouragement of other team members and the Paris2Nice organisation.

Visit the Paris2Nice Event Page