Paradise at peril: The fragile beauty of the Pelagos Sanctuary under threat from human activities

Keywords: Monaco, Ocean, Popular
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The Pelagos Sanctuary, a Mediterranean treasure shared by France, Monaco and Italy. A precious haven where marine mammals flourish; fin whales, sperm whales, dolphins and pilot whales populate these waters. But the idyllic landscape is fragile, and is gradually being eroded and destroyed. Maritime traffic, recreational activities, urban density along the coast, water pollution…

The sea is warming and acidifying in this pressurised area, and the future of cetaceans is under threat. Through these images, our ambassadors for the Pelagos Initiative demonstrate their particular attachment to this shared territory.

🇫🇷 Le Sanctuaire Pelagos, trĂ©sor mĂ©diterranĂ©en partagĂ© entre la France, Monaco et l’Italie. PrĂ©cieux Ă©crin oĂą s’épanouissent les mammifères marins ; rorquals communs, cachalot, dauphins et globicĂ©phales peuplent ces eaux. Mais le paysage idyllique est fragile, et il s’effrite et pĂ©rit peu Ă  peu. Trafic maritime, activitĂ©s rĂ©crĂ©atives, densitĂ© urbaine des littoraux, pollutions des eaux…

La mer se rĂ©chauffe et s’acidifie dans cet espace sous pression, l’avenir des cĂ©tacĂ©s est menacĂ©. Nos ambassadeurs de l’Initiative Pelagos, vous dĂ©montrent Ă  travers ces images, leur attachement particulier Ă  ce territoire partagĂ©.

Ambassadors : Pierre Frolla, Claire Dufour, Davide Carrera

Partner: Fondation Vilebrequin

Credits: Kevin Sempé, Cédric Ragnolo Images of marine mammals: Thomas Roger, Frédéric Larray