Olivier Wenden shares Prince Albert’s push for SDG 14 & Monaco’s green revolution

Keywords: Monaco, Newsroom, Pinned

Monaco⁠, the most densely-populated sovereign state in the world, smaller than New York’s Central Park, has emerged as a powerful advocate for ocean and marine life conservation.

Prince Albert, who is Head of State and President of his foundation, played a significant role in shaping ⁠SDG 14⁠, the United Nations sustainable development goal entirely dedicated to the Ocean.

He also spearheaded a campaign to ban global fishing of the endangered Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna. “When the world turned a blind eye, he rallied the local community to take action“, reveals ⁠Olivier Wenden, CEO and Vice President⁠ of the ⁠Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation⁠. As a result, every restaurant and retailer in principality removed this precious species from their shelves and menus.

We are doers, we are collaborative activists.

Olivier Wenden, CEO and Vice President⁠ of the ⁠Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation⁠

Their commitment to environmental stewardship and collaborative activism is showcased through 750 projects dedicated to biodiversity, climate, the ocean, and water resources.

As Monaco celebrates its⁠ first Green Shift Festival⁠, transforming the principality into a hub of ecological discussions, we delve into the festival, the foundation’s numerous initiatives, Monaco’s role in safeguarding the planet’s health, and the path to creating a better future. A wonderful optimistic conversation.

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Credits: ⁠Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco⁠ – ⁠Olivier Wenden, CEO and Vice President⁠ – ⁠Green Shift Festival⁠ – ⁠UN SDGs⁠ – ⁠World Economic Forum’s Great Reset⁠ – ⁠Host: Sibylle Barden⁠

Source: Excerpt directly from “Der Große Neustart” & Foundation Prince Albert II, June 14, 2023.