Monaco’s Ocean Space Forum unites experts to leverage space tech for ocean conservation

Press Release, July 4, Ocean Space Forum Monaco

On 2 July, the Office for Outer Space Affairs of the Prince’s Government, in collaboration with France’s National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) and the French ‘new space’ company Prométhée Earth Intelligence, hosted the second Ocean Space Forum (OSF), dedicated to the development of space technologies and satellite observation data for the preservation and sustainable management of the ocean.

Held for the second consecutive year at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, the Forum’s theme was “Road to UNOC” in reference to the third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC) to be held in June 2025, in parallel to which will take place the third Ocean Space Forum.

2nde Edition de l’Ocean Space Forum ©Direction de la Communication – Manuel Vitali

This year’s OSF brought together key scientific, political and economic figures in the fields of both space and the ocean from governments, institutions and international organisations for round table events that explored critical topics, including:

Conserving marine biodiversity

Technological progress and innovative space solutions that contribute to conserving marine ecosystems were discussed. Satellite data can be used to monitor the health of coral reefs, mangroves and salt marshes, which play a vital role in capturing and storing carbon. Environmental changes can be observed in real time thanks to these technologies, which promote the protection and conservation of habitats.

Developing the blue economy

Another central theme of the Forum was the development of the blue economy. Using space technology in marine resource management paves the way to sustainable economic growth, including the monitoring of fishing areas and the improvement of maritime safety.

The fight against climate change and its effects on the ocean
The Forum highlighted the contributions of space technology in the collection of data on sea levels, ocean temperatures and sea currents. Such information is crucial to understanding the effects of climate change and to developing adaptation strategies for coastal cities and vulnerable ecosystems.

Conserving marine resources

The conservation of marine resources is a core concern. The Forum was an opportunity to assess the relevance of satellite monitoring to detect and prevent illegal activities, such as unauthorised fishing, which is a threat to marine biodiversity. Discussions highlighted the importance of cooperation with international organisations and local agencies to strengthen ocean governance and step up efforts to protect resources for future generations.

International cooperation

As a forum for international collaboration, OSF welcomed organisations and representatives from a range of countries to share their experiences and practices, demonstrating that space innovation can transcend borders and promote global efforts to protect the environment, such as the assistance provided to Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

The lead-up to the United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC)

The second OSF was an important step on the road to the third UN Ocean Conference, to be held in Nice from 9 to 14 June 2025 and chaired jointly by the governments of France and Costa Rica. The Conference, attended by more than 200 heads of State, will play a key role in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and in particular Goal 14, to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for development. Upstream discussions will provide preparation for concrete action and international commitments. The third Ocean Space Forum will be held alongside UNOC next June in order to participate and contribute, through a space-based perspective, to solving the crucial challenges that will be addressed at the Conference.

H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince spoke to attendees and speakers via a video message broadcast at the opening session of the second OSF

“I am delighted to see you gathered today in the emblematic Oceanographic Museum (…). Today’s agenda will illustrate – I am sure – how space data can be a valuable tool for ocean health and sustainability.” The Sovereign Prince highlighted the “current boom in space technology, which allows us to better study and understand our ocean on a global scale and in real time (…). The technology, accuracy and availability of this data has reached unprecedented levels. It should be fully mobilised to achieve our ambitious environmental objectives”. He concluded that “this second Ocean Space Forum is based on the success of the first Forum in 2023 and is already the run-up to the event to be held next year in Nice, at the same time as the Third United Nations Ocean Conference (…). I am convinced that space science has much to offer in relation to the challenges of this particularly important multilateral event”.

H.S.H. Prince Albert II, the Sovereign Prince

These remarks were seconded by Ms Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and Mr Frédéric Genta, Country Chief Officer for Attractiveness and the Digital Transition. After welcoming the commitment of those present to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, Ms Berro-Amadeï and Mr Genta expressed their hope that this Forum – a synergy between space technology and ocean-related challenges – would continue to bring them together to defend this noble cause.

Likewise, Mr Jean-Marc Astorg, Director of Strategy at CNES, echoed the importance of this synergy in building a more sustainable future for Earth, in which the ocean ecosystem ensures a planetary balance, the future of humanity and its well-being.

Olivier Piepsz, Chairman, and Giao-Minh Nguyen, Co-Founder and Director of Strategy & Innovation at Prométhée Earth Intelligence, stressed the need for cooperation between public and private spheres, in particular with regard to satellite data, and the involvement of civil society at the local, national and global level, to move forward and develop resilient and sustainable solutions.

The third Ocean Space Forum, held on the sidelines of UNOC in 2025, will be an opportunity to envisage an alliance of space agencies for the protection of the ocean.

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