Monaco’s 10 key projects shared by Georges Marsan, Mairie de Monaco 2023

A redesigned Jardin Exotique, new crèches, neighbourhood activities and more. These major innovations are due to be rolled out over the next four years.

Georges Marsan has been re-elected for a sixth term, which he describes as “historic” – © Monaco Town Council

“This will be a particularly full term of office,” says Georges Marsan, who has been elected for the sixth consecutive time as Mayor of Monaco. And there is certainly a significant number of projects, some of which are substantial. As the Mayor told his four new running mates: “you’ll need to hold on tight.”

The environment at the heart of the tenure

As the new term of office begins, environmental issues remain a priority. Existing initiatives, such as eco-responsible measures in crèches and Munegu Repair Cafés, will continue. The first second-hand flea market, organized during the European Week for Waste Reduction, will become a regular event.

Key initiatives and goals

  • Eco-responsible Measures in Crèches: Introduce sustainable practices to young children.
  • Munegu Repair Cafés: Promote reuse and waste reduction.
  • Second-hand Flea Market: Reduce waste and encourage conscious consumption.

Carbon footprint goal by 2030

The main objective is to improve the town’s carbon footprint by 2030. As a signatory of the Pacte National de la Mission pour la Transition Énergétique (National Pact for Energy Transition), the Town Council will transform its buildings and organizational practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Transformation efforts

  • Buildings: Enhance energy efficiency and use renewable energy.
  • Organizational Practices: Adopt greener procurement, improve recycling, and promote eco-friendly transportation for employees.

We want to raise awareness, particularly in-house, so that we can make this transition a success. We are also in the process of drawing up an Environmental Charter for all municipal departments. It should be ready by the end of 2023.

A museal, connected Jardin Exotique

The reopening of the Jardin Exotique is eagerly awaited in the Principality, but it has been postponed until 2025. By then, the new park-and-ride car park should also be completed.

“We’ll be ready,” assures the Mayor. The transformation involves more than structural work. “We’re working on a museum project with QR codes and virtual tours,” says Georges Marsan. Additionally, the cave will be refurbished, and a new eating area will be introduced. Meanwhile, the Botanic Centre remains operational and continues to attract many visitors.

Refurbishment work on the Jardin Exotique was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and then safety-related measures were required on the site – © Mairie de Monaco

The future Léo Ferré concert hall to rival the most modern in France

The new Léo Ferré concert hall has been completely redesigned to be a versatile venue. It will have a standing capacity of 1,800 and a seating capacity of 1,200. The opening has been postponed to 2025 due to delays in the Fontvieille shopping centre project.

“We will still be putting on shows and events there,” says the Mayor. “But its layout can be changed in just ten minutes. This venue will be on a par with the most modern venues in France!”

Events in all the neighbourhoods and revitalised markets

Young Monegasques can participate in the Junior Municipal Project, which organizes events like the Splash Party and Halloween evening. The Mayor aims to infuse new life into the Principality’s markets and enhance community events across neighborhoods.

Revitalizing markets

  • Monte-Carlo market: Equipped with tables and chairs to host special events on Saturdays and Sundays, providing a dining area without competing with the Beausoleil market.
  • Condamine market: Set to evolve with the new Fontvieille shopping centre by 2027. Plans include modernizing the stalls while preserving the Mediterranean market style, possibly adding a new car park or updating Place d’Armes. These changes will be made in collaboration with the Government.

Neighborhood events and entertainment

Starting in 2024, neighborhood events will be held to decentralize activities from the port. All municipal venues will host various activities to engage residents across the Principality. One of the priorities is to create evening entertainment in Parc Princesse Antoinette, which will involve making the park safe and installing permanent lighting.

Themed days and evenings, such as the Fête Nationale, the Grand Bal, Italian evenings, and the oursinades, will continue due to their success. The next major event will be on June 21, coinciding with the Fête de la Musique.

A new, bigger media library with a digital focus

A highly anticipated project for the Principality’s residents is the new Media Library, set to open within the next two years. The facility will expand from 1,200 m² to 1,900 m² and will be equipped to meet the modern demands of media libraries, particularly in digital technology.

Modern facilities and digital inclusion

“We’re expanding from 1,200 m² to 1,900 m², and the space will be equipped to meet the modern demands of media libraries, especially in terms of digital technology,” says Georges Marsan. The Media Library will participate in reducing the digital divide, partnering with the Maison du Numérique (Digital Centre) and offering digital classes at the Media Library and Espace Lamartine.

Features and offerings

The new Media Library, due to open in 2025, will feature:

  • Digital Technology and Classes: Continuing the current digital mediator program and enhancing digital inclusion efforts.
  • Youth Activities: Video game tournaments, manga reading sessions, and role-playing for children and teenagers, facilitated by the Ludothèque (Games Library).
  • Artist Support: A rehearsal room for Monegasque artists.
  • Multipurpose Spaces: An eating area and spaces for conferences, concerts, artistic events, and film screenings. A specially equipped room will be convertible into a conference room.

This expansion aims to create a modern, versatile space that caters to the diverse needs of the community, ensuring that the Media Library remains a vibrant cultural hub in the Principality.

The new Media Library is due to open in 2025 – © Monaco Town Council

3 new crèches and an app for young parents

New projects for young citizens

The Principality is launching several new projects to benefit its youngest citizens. Over the next four years, three new crèches will open at Palais Honoria, Grand Ida, and Bel Air, increasing crèche capacity by 20%.

New crèches

“We asked the government to build crèches in state-owned residential properties, and they agreed,” says Georges Marsan. “For example, at Testimonio II, parents are happy that they don’t have to go all the way across town to drop their child off at the crèche.” Additionally, the Larvotto mini-club for children aged three to twelve has recently reopened.

Upcoming advances for parents

Before the new crèches are completed, young parents can look forward to several improvements:

  • Ma Crèche au Quotidien App: Launching soon, this app will allow parents to follow crèche updates and view photos of activities directly on their phones.
  • Simplified Administrative Procedures: Starting in early 2024, all children’s and parents’ services will be centralized in the Foyer Sainte-Dévote, simplifying administrative processes.
  • Làscia e Piya Venue: This physical space will enable parents to swap childcare equipment and accessories. It may move to Parc Princesse Antoinette during the summer.

These initiatives aim to make childcare more accessible and convenient for families, enhancing the quality of life for the Principality’s youngest residents and their parents.

Espace Lamartine becomes an intergenerational venue

While many projects are set for completion by 2025, one significant development will be ready this September: the Espace Lamartine. “It’s THE project of this tenure and the previous one,” stresses Mayor Georges Marsan. Entirely self-financed by the Town Hall with a budget of 7.5 million euros, the building’s surface area has been doubled and completely transformed.

Features and facilities

The Espace Lamartine will be accessible to all Monegasques and residents over the age of 16. It will continue to feature the A Pignata restaurant for senior citizens and the Snoezelen area. Additionally, it will house multi-purpose rooms for conferences, digital and creative workshops, aiming to serve as an intergenerational venue.

Intergenerational collaboration

“The young people will be able to come and help the seniors. And we will be able to accommodate up to 80 people for conferences of all kinds, for all generations,” says a delighted Georges Marsan.

Membership and access

Club Le Temps de Vivre membership will cover this venue, with subscriptions available to all Monegasques and residents over 16.

The Espace Lamartine represents a significant investment in fostering community and intergenerational engagement, providing a versatile space for various activities and events.

The Espace Lamartine will be open to all Monegasques and residents over the age of 16 – © Monaco Town Council

Supporting the elderly day and night

In addition to the Espace Lamartine, the current term of office will focus on providing more support for the elderly. While existing initiatives, like free entry to swimming pools for those aged 60 and over, have already made life easier, the Town Council plans to introduce several new services.

New night patrol service

A new night patrol service, starting in 2024, will be introduced in cooperation with the Department of Health and Social Affairs. This service will monitor the most vulnerable elderly residents through planned night-time visits.

Daytime services and entertainment

Mayor Georges Marsan aims to establish a daytime service that provides in-home entertainment for the elderly. This initiative seeks to enhance their quality of life by offering engaging activities directly in their homes.

SOS Administratif

One of the mandate’s objectives is to launch SOS Administratif, a service designed to assist senior citizens with completing administrative paperwork, regardless of age. This service aims to alleviate the burden of bureaucratic processes for the elderly.

Carers’ Day

The Town Hall also hopes to introduce a Carers’ Day, dedicated to the relatives of dependent people. This event will provide a platform for sharing and discussion, recognizing the challenges faced by non-professional carers, often family members. “We’re already doing it for young children with the Espace Parents, so why not for the elderly?” says the Mayor.

These initiatives demonstrate a comprehensive approach to supporting the elderly, ensuring they receive the care and assistance they need while fostering community engagement and support.

New courses at the Pavillon Bosio and the Rainier III Music Academy

To provide enhanced support for local young people, the Town Hall is introducing new programs at two key artistic institutions: the Pavillon Bosio and the Rainier III Music Academy.

Pavillon Bosio

Starting in the 2024 academic year, Pavillon Bosio will offer a new Master’s option in ‘Fashion Scenography.’ This addition aims to strengthen the partnership with Monte-Carlo Fashion Week, providing students with unique opportunities in the fashion industry.

Rainier III Music Academy

The Rainier III Music Academy will host an “artist residency” with international pianist Shani Diluka beginning in September 2023. The entrance examination for this residency is scheduled for June 21 at the Academy. Additionally, the Academy’s Auditorium, which had been flooded, will be completely refurbished by September. The institution also plans to record its first album by the Musique Municipale band, focusing on traditional Monegasque music.

These initiatives are designed to enrich the educational and artistic landscape, offering young people and the community greater access to high-quality artistic education and experiences.

Fewer billboards, but digital

Embracing digital innovation and modernization

While Monaco upholds its traditions and heritage, the current term of office presents an opportunity to further embrace digital tools, particularly in civil registry services. Alongside the recent introduction of Monegasque digital identity, efforts are underway to implement a professional electronic signature and potentially digital nationality certificates, in collaboration with the Government.

Modernizing billboard displays

In line with the digital transition, the Principality aims to revamp its billboard displays. The focus is on installing modern signs while removing outdated ones, creating a visually appealing landscape. The quantity of signage will be reduced, ensuring high quality, and special rates will continue to be provided for clubs and associations, affirms Mayor Georges Marsan.

This dual approach of preserving heritage while embracing digital innovation reflects Monaco’s commitment to progress and excellence in all aspects of governance and infrastructure.

Source: Monaco Tribune