Monaco Grand Prix goes green with recyclable cups for spectators

In 2019, The Monaco Grand Prix started a new initiative to embrace sustainability by introducing reusable and recyclable cups for spectators. Developed by local company Monacup’Green with support from Monaco City Council, the Monaco Automobile Club (ACM), and the Environmental Department, these cups will be available across participating establishments.

Spectators can enjoy their drinks in these cups and later request a €2 refund upon returning them. Alternatively, they can keep the cups as collector’s items. A dedicated washing and drying line near the circuit will collect used cups, which will then be redistributed to local bars and pubs for reuse.

This initiative aligns with efforts to reduce single-use plastic waste in Monaco. Participating merchants receive the cups free of charge as part of government initiatives promoting sustainability. The move reflects a growing trend toward eco-friendly practices at major events, echoing successful efforts seen at other prestigious sporting events in Europe.