Lidl and WWF launch sustainable supply chain programme across 31 countries

Keywords: Action, Brands, Newsroom

Lidl, one of the largest retailers, and WWF, one of the world’s largest independent conservation organisations, announced the start of a new five-year international and strategic partnership across 31 countries.

The strategic partnership will improve conservation and biodiversity with a focus on supply chains, as part of a commitment to halve the environmental impact of its food products.

A vision for sustainability

Christoph Pohl, Chief Purchasing Officer at Lidl International, emphasized the ambitious goals of the partnership: “We aim to do business within planetary boundaries. With WWF’s expertise, we’ll elevate our sustainability commitment. Overcoming global challenges like climate change and nature loss requires strong partnerships.”

Kirsten Schuijt, Director General of WWF International, echoed this sentiment, highlighting the pivotal role of the food and retail sector: “The food and retail sector plays a crucial role in reversing climate change and nature loss. Lidl’s leverage can drive sustainable change. WWF is proud to support and challenge Lidl on this journey.”

Expanding global impact

This new initiative builds on Lidl GB’s prior commitment to WWF’s Retailers’ Commitment for Nature, which aims to halve the environmental impact of UK shopping baskets by 2030.

Previous collaborations between Lidl and WWF in Switzerland and Austria have laid the groundwork for this expanded global effort, designed to accelerate the transition towards sustainability.

Key focus areas

The Lidl-WWF partnership will concentrate on several critical areas to drive sustainable practices:

  • Conservation and Biodiversity Promotion: Protecting ecosystems and promoting biodiversity in sourcing regions.
  • Responsible Water Management: Ensuring sustainable water use and protection of water resources.
  • Climate Protection with Science-Based Targets: Setting and achieving targets to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change.
  • Traceable, Deforestation-Free Supply Chains: Implementing transparent supply chains to prevent deforestation.
  • Responsible Sourcing of Raw Materials and Seafood: Sourcing materials and seafood sustainably to minimize environmental impact.
  • Advocacy for Sustainable Diets and Reduced Food Waste: Promoting diets that are both healthy and sustainable, and reducing food waste across the supply chain.

Lidl will also support WWF conservation projects in the regions where they source their products, reinforcing their commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development.

Sustainable vision in action

Lidl is actively contributing to a greener future by offering consumers more sustainable shopping options and supporting essential conservation projects.

This collaboration demonstrates the power of strategic partnerships in addressing global ecological challenges.

By working together, Lidl and WWF are setting a precedent for the retail industry, showcasing how corporate responsibility and environmental stewardship can go hand-in-hand to create a more sustainable world.

As this partnership unfolds, it will serve as a model for how businesses and conservation organizations can collaborate to tackle the pressing environmental issues of our time, driving meaningful change and fostering a more sustainable future for all.