Jonathan Pie Meets Prof Haigh | Climate science translated by Climate Science Breakthrough

Notorious “news reporter” Jonathan Pie helps Professor Joanna Haigh spell out the actual risks of climate change, pulling zero punches, and using highly unscientific language throughout. The film is part of an ongoing project to help the climate science cut through to the public.

Jonathan Pie x Prof Haigh NSFW | Climate Science Translated

The transcript can be summarized as follows:

In this conversation between Joanna Haigh, Emeritus professor of atmospheric physics, and Jonathan Pie, a satirical news reporter, the severity of the climate crisis is discussed:

The historical stability of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere for over 10,000 years has been disrupted by a sharp rise due to human activity, causing a rapid and unprecedented 10 times increase in global temperature.

Extreme weather events, including heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, storms, and floods, are already happening globally, surpassing previous predictions.

Regions with substantial ice, such as Siberia, Antarctica, and the Arctic, are experiencing accelerated warming beyond initial projections.

Dangerous feedback loops could lead to runaway warming, potentially resulting in irreversible consequences, such as significant sea-level rise.

The IPCC recommends halving emissions by 2030 to avert the worst outcomes, emphasizing the urgency of taking action.

Despite the technology available to achieve emission reduction, lobbying by the fossil fuel industry hampers progress, with governments granting new licenses for exploration.

Individuals are urged to voice concerns to politicians, participate in protests, and boycott institutions supporting fossil fuels.

Large-scale legislative changes and collective efforts are deemed essential to effectively address the climate crisis.

Despite the urgency, maintaining optimism is crucial for driving action, and engaging with politicians and those in power is emphasized for enacting impactful legislation.


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