How are stakeholders driving sustainability?

The majority of stakeholders are driving ESG integration and disclosures. The key parties are:

  • Investors pursuing or considering to pursue ESG integration and in some cases insisting on it.
  • Environmental and Social related proposals account for the majority at Shareholder AGMs;
  • Data providers are providing more ESG criteria and they are adding new ones every month;
  • The European Commission is focusing on sustainability and standardisation;
  • Corporate Social Responsibility has increased employee engagement;
  • Customers changing habits to reduce impact on environment;
  • Boards are considering sustainability risks on their overall business;
  • The European Supervisory Authorities, including ESMA, are driving the Sustainable Finance Agenda, setting standards for taxonomy, disclosures and benchmarking, with lots more to come.

“Nearly all key stakeholders are integrating and engaging in ESG activities.”

Source: Deloitte, 2020