Early climate reporting shows countries’ commitment to transparency

Keywords: COP, Disclosures, Policy

UN Climate Change News, 23 November 2023 – As countries are preparing their first-ever biennial transparency reports (BTRs) under the enhanced transparency framework (ETF), which are due latest by the end of 2024, UN Climate Change welcomes early national climate reporting submissions by Andorra and Australia.

Andorra’s early submission of its first BTR in October 2023, more than a year ahead of the deadline, demonstrates political will and a firm commitment to meet reporting obligations under the Paris Agreement.

This submission will be followed by the first round of technical expert reviews under the Paris Agreement, which will culminate in the preparation of technical expert review reports. Once the review report is published, Andorra will undergo its facilitative multilateral consideration of progress, thus completing its first reporting and review cycle.

In April 2023, UN Climate Change also welcomed Australia’s 2023 national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory report (NIR) – the first of its kind under the Paris Agreement and a significant step towards the fulfilment of Australia’s transparency commitments. UN Climate Change coordinated the simplified review of Australia’s NIR and published the report on the review in early November 2023,  using this experience to inform future processes.

“As we witness the early submissions of the Biennial Transparency Report from Andorra and the national GHG inventory from Australia, we commend these nations for their proactive steps towards enhanced transparency. Timely reporting is crucial in our collective efforts to address climate change,” said UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell. “These initiatives underscore the commitment of countries to transparency and accountability – essential pillars of effective climate action. We encourage all Parties to follow this commendable example as we work together to build a sustainable and resilient future for all.”

As other Parties prepare to submit their BTRs, they are encouraged to adhere to the internationally- agreed guidance, follow the required formats and comply with the established modalities, procedures and guidelines.

UN Climate Change will continue to provide practical hands-on training, including on the use of the new reporting tools, at COP28 and beyond. These ongoing training sessions aim to assist countries, including those requiring flexibility, and enhance national capacities to effectively use the electronic reporting software, the common reporting tables and common tabular formats.

The ETF under the Paris Agreement aims to increase trust and confidence among Parties, promote effective implementation of climate action and enable Parties to boost their climate ambition.

In addition to demonstrating transparency and accountability, the BTRs will provide valuable data, information and insight into progress made on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (national climate action plans) and the level of national climate ambition.

More information on transparency

More information on transparency events at COP28

Source: Excerpt UNFCC