Deloitte’s Report: Corporate leaders ramp up climate action amid investor pressure

Key Insights from Deloitte’s 2024 Sustainability Report on Climate Action in Finance

The report shows that climate change remains a top three issue for global C-suite level business leaders (CxOs), surpassing political uncertainty, competition for talent, and the changing regulatory environment, among others. A key indicator of climate’s staying power on leaders’ agendas is that 85% of CxOs say they have increased investments in sustainability in the past year—up from 75% in 2023—and half have started to implement technology solutions to help achieve climate goals.

Deloitte’s September 2024 sustainability report, based on input from over 2,100 executives across 27 countries, reveals a growing emphasis on sustainability across businesses.

The report highlights how companies are ramping up climate action and embedding sustainability into their core strategies:

85% of global CxOs report increased sustainability investments—up from 75% last year.

70% of executives expect climate change to significantly impact their operations within the next three years, up from 61% last year.

92% believe it is possible for their companies to grow while cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and 90% are confident economic growth can coexist with climate goals.

Despite these efforts, many businesses remain in the “moderate middle,” falling between climate action leaders and laggards.

60% of executives feel motivated to act on climate due to pressure from investors and shareholders, emphasizing the critical role that investors play in accelerating the shift toward sustainability within companies and across the corporate landscape.

Read Deloitte’s Sustainability Report