Climate Week NYC 2023: Learn about the 10 key themes

Keywords: Action, Events, Newsroom

This year Climate Week NYC will revolve around ten key themes. To accompany these themes, Climate Week has created a comprehensive collection of accompanying resources with support from their partners. 











Built Environment

Buildings represent nearly 40% of greenhouse gas emissions and a third of global energy demand, which is why it’s crucial to aim for net zero buildings powered by renewable energy. The Built Environment program explores the impact of buildings and infrastructure on climate. These “hard-to-abate” sectors pose the biggest challenge, but also the biggest opportunity, and this program ensures that these challenging industries are addressed.


The Energy program brings together policy and industry experts for global collaboration in the pursuit of a net zero future through a just transition.

Environmental Justice

The Environmental Justice program is a dedicated space to amplify the voices and stories of those who bear the brunt of climate impacts, but have been left out of the decision making. It means learning from and letting the most vulnerable communities lead, and centering environmental justice in all climate conversations. 


The Finance program focuses on financial opportunities to identify and mitigate climate risks as part of a green recovery. It provides a lens to explore initiatives and roadmaps for the public and private financial sector to tackle climate change and discuss sustainable development.


The Nature program addresses the importance of preserving and restoring the Earth’s ecosystems and biodiversity. It aims to build a deeper connection between humans and nature and examine our role in building a better natural world for the future.


From EV tax credits to national manufacturing laws, the Policy program considers policy at all levels – local, state, international.  

Sustainable Living

The Sustainable Living program brings together a diverse array of events to inspire everyone to be an ally to our planet and shares tips on how our day to day can be transformative to ourselves and the environment.


The Transport program examines the benefits in making our transport systems clean and efficient. From developing electric public transport systems to building electric vehicle charging infrastructure, this program showcases how we can scale innovation to build a cleaner, net zero future.


Our Food program works with powerful coalitions of businesses and governments to target a range of issues within the food supply chain, particularly in agriculture.


Our Industry program brings together the key players from business and government to discuss, collaborate and share knowledge in a way that supports industry action and encourages clear and supportive policies.


Our Resilience program is now calling on national government, particularly those in developed countries, to deliver on their adaptation commitments – including by doubling finance for adaptation by 2025 based on 2019 levels. This is not a situation that can be ignored, and urgent action is needed to protect the world’s most vulnerable from the damaging impacts of climate change.

Source: Climate Week NYC