Climate action starts at home – How to write to your MP?

Keywords: Action, Learn, Policy, Popular

As the climate crisis continues to raise concerns and prompt calls for action, it’s essential to engage with your local Member of Parliament (MP) to address these pressing issues effectively. We provide you with a user-friendly template that can be easily customized and employed for this purpose, along with guidance on identifying your specific MP.

Engaging in political advocacy on climate change represents one of the most impactful and cost-effective avenues for civic participation. Whether it entails expressing opposition to new oil field developments, endorsing initiatives for improved home insulation, advocating for enhanced walking and cycling infrastructure, or supporting a diverse range of climate-related actions, effectively conveying these concerns to elected officials is of paramount importance.

Writing to your local MP stands out as one of the quickest and simplest methods to accomplish this. While it might initially feel like an exercise in futility, it’s important to remember that elected representatives are accountable to their constituents and are duty-bound to represent their views in the parliamentary arena.

Crafting a letter to your MP regarding climate change serves as a vital means to inform them of your community’s apprehensions regarding climate-related matters and, simultaneously, to hold them responsible for addressing these concerns.

Important points to consider when corresponding with your local MP regarding climate change

When crafting a letter to your local Member of Parliament (MP) about climate change, several key considerations should be at the forefront of your writing process.

First and foremost, establishing your local identity is paramount. Ensure that you prominently include your name and address, as this information is essential for your MP to recognize you as a constituent. Without these details, your MP may not feel compelled to respond to your communication.

Furthermore, it’s vital to recognize that while climate change is undoubtedly a global issue, your MP is primarily elected to represent your local area. Hence, when addressing climate change in your correspondence, it’s crucial to relate the matter to the specific concerns and impacts faced by your local constituency. MPs tend to prioritize issues that directly affect their constituents.

Maintaining a tone of friendliness, respect, and constructive engagement is another key point to bear in mind. It’s possible that your MP belongs to a party or holds views that differ from your own. They may have supported policies or campaigns that you strongly disagree with. Nonetheless, it’s in your best interest to maintain a civil and non-confrontational tone in your communication. A respectful approach increases the likelihood of your MP responding positively to your letter.

If your MP has previously demonstrated support for climate change initiatives or has been involved in positive local projects, it’s beneficial to acknowledge and commend these actions in your letter. Expressing appreciation and offering compliments can be influential in how your message is received. After all, everyone is more receptive to constructive feedback and recognition of their efforts.

Sample Script

Copy and paste the text below into an email to your MP. Don’t forget to personalise the words in brackets.

Sample Script

Subject: [Let’s Tackle the Climate Crisis Together]

Dear [Name of your MP],

I’m writing as someone who lives in [your constituency] and is deeply concerned about our environment. We’ve already seen the effects of climate change right here in our community, with extreme heat, and [mention any other local changes like flooding, wildfires, or droughts] happening in [your constituency] just this year. Experts warn that these extreme weather events will keep getting worse unless we act quickly.

Back in 2021, 200 nations, including the UK, made a big promise at COP26 in Glasgow. We agreed to work toward achieving net zero emissions globally by the middle of this century and limit global warming to 1.5°C. But the time to meet these goals is running out.

With the cost of living rising, many people in our community are struggling to make ends meet. The good news is that we can make changes right now to reduce our carbon footprint and help everyone financially.

So, on behalf of our community, [insert your constituency here], I’m asking for your support on policies that will:

  1. Invest in clean energy that’s not only good for the environment but also affordable for all. Most people in the UK want more solar power and onshore wind energy. The latest figures show that 89% of the public support solar power whilst 79% support onshore wind.
  2. Make our homes cozier and more energy – efficient by increasing funding for home insulation and green energy.
  3. Improve our transportation systems, making them eco-friendly and accessible to everyone.
  4. Restore our natural landscapes, plant native trees, and make our surroundings greener, healthier, and safer from floods while also removing carbon from the air.
  5. [Amend this section if you have any other issues, ideas, or local points to raise]

I’m looking forward to hearing from you, and I hope we can work together on these crucial issues.

Yours sincerely,

[your name]

On behalf of [insert local organization(s) if applicable]


How do I know who my local MP is?

To find out who your local Member of Parliament (MP) is, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Write To Them” website (
  2. On the website’s homepage, you’ll find a search bar where you can enter your postcode.
  3. Enter your postcode in the provided space and click the search button or press “Enter.”
  4. The website will then display a list of your local elected representatives, including your MP, and their contact details.
  5. Locate the name of your MP in the list, and you can use their contact details to reach out to them about any issues or concerns you wish to address.

This simple online tool will help you quickly identify your local MP and enable you to establish contact with them as needed.

What happens next?

After you’ve written to your local MP about climate change and you may or may not have received a response, here’s what you can do next:

  1. Don’t Be Discouraged: As you mentioned, it’s not uncommon for MPs to send standardized responses, and they often receive a high volume of correspondence. Don’t be discouraged if the initial response doesn’t fully address your concerns.
  2. Acknowledge and Engage: Consider responding to their reply, acknowledging the points they made, even if you disagree with them. This shows that you’re actively engaged in the conversation and interested in their perspective.
  3. Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about upcoming parliamentary debates and legislative actions related to climate change. This will help you identify crucial moments when you can re-engage with your MP.
  4. Reiterate Your Concerns: When significant environmental or climate-related matters are scheduled for debate in parliament, use this opportunity to reach out to your MP again. Refer to their previous commitment to addressing climate change in your correspondence and express your hopes that their voting intentions align with those commitments.
  5. Collaborate with Others: Consider joining or collaborating with local environmental groups, climate advocacy organizations, or like-minded constituents. Collective efforts often have a more significant impact, and these groups may have established relationships with MPs.
  6. Attend Local Events: If your MP holds town hall meetings, public forums, or other events, consider attending and voicing your concerns about climate change in person. Face-to-face interactions can be more persuasive.
  7. Use Social Media: Engage with your MP on social media platforms, where they may share their positions on various issues. Politely express your views and ask for their response on specific climate-related matters.
  8. Continue Advocacy: Advocacy is an ongoing process. Continue to write, call, or meet with your MP as necessary to keep the issue of climate change on their radar.

Remember that your voice, along with the voices of others, can have a cumulative impact on your MP’s stance and actions on climate change. Patience, persistence, and well-informed, respectful engagement are essential components of effective advocacy.