Brazil set to widen lead as cleanest major power sector

In the first nine months of 2023, Brazil achieved a remarkable milestone by generating nearly 93% of its electricity from renewable sources, marking a significant increase of over 2 percentage points compared to the same period in 2022. This impressive clean energy share places Brazil at the forefront among major economies.

Traditionally, France has held the title of having the cleanest power sector among leading economies. However, over the past year, Brazil has surpassed France due to a reduction in nuclear power output in France and a substantial rise in solar and wind energy production in Brazil, according to data from the Ember think tank.

The continued growth of green energy capacity in 2023 is expected to further solidify Brazil’s lead in clean power generation. This demonstrates that it is possible to enhance both clean and overall power production, even in the face of economic challenges such as rising interest rates, uneven consumer demand, and strained supply chains.

Solar wins

Brazil has long relied on its extensive hydroelectric power infrastructure, which constitutes around 68% of its total electricity production in 2023. However, the primary driver of renewable energy expansion in the country has been the solar energy sector, which has significantly increased electricity generation by more than 75% during the first nine months of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022.

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In 2023, Brazil’s photovoltaic solar capacity has surpassed 30 gigawatts (GW), thanks to the addition of 4.4 GW of new capacity entering operation since January, as reported by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel).

Solar energy has made up 6.8% of Brazil’s electricity generation in 2023, a notable increase from approximately 4.2% in 2022, as indicated by Ember. Coupled with the increased output from wind farms, which raised electricity production by almost 18% during the first nine months of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, Brazil’s power producers have successfully increased their total electricity generation by 4% in 2023.

Brazil strides ahead

Brazil has set a new record for electricity production, with approximately 483 terawatt hours generated through September. This marks a significant increase of over 17.5% in total electricity generation since 2018.

This surge in electricity output has domestic and international implications. At home, it has met growing power demand in Brazil and enabled electricity exports to Argentina. Brazil’s expansion in clean energy is also supporting green energy development in Latin America.

In contrast, European power systems have faced challenges, with declining total power output due to factors like fuel shortages and rising interest rates. Brazil, despite similar economic challenges, has maintained steady power capacity growth.

Brazil’s success challenges the notion that clean energy expertise is confined to wealthier economies and offers valuable insights for regions aiming to sustain growth rates in the energy sector.

Source: Ember