B Corp – What is B Corporation certification?

Keywords: Disclosures, Learn

B Corp Certification is a standard developed by B Lab, a nonprofit that certifies companies as being socially and environmentally responsible.

B Corporations are for-profit companies that have made a commitment to use their businesses as a force for good in society, and to balance profit with a social and environmental purpose.

The certification process looks beyond a company’s financial performance to evaluate its environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) criteria.

The evaluation covers several aspects, such as the company’s carbon emission reduction policies for transportation, the representation of underrepresented populations in management positions, and its anti-corruption reporting and prevention systems.

To obtain B Corp certification, companies need to adhere to strict standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. They must demonstrate a positive impact on society and the environment by integrating their core values, business practices, and profits. Additionally, companies must pledge to use their influence to promote positive change in society.

B Lab, the organization that manages B Corp certification, was established by three former Stanford University roommates, Andrew Kassoy, Bart Houlahan, and Jay Coen Gilbert in 2006.

The founders recognized the absence of a system to determine if companies were making a positive contribution to society, and thus, B Lab was created.

Once a company becomes certified as a B Corporation, it must maintain its commitment to social and environmental responsibility and undergo a re-certification process every few years.

Although the certification process is time-consuming, the benefits of becoming a B Corp are substantial.

B Corporation certification is a way for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to creating a positive impact on society and the environment. It is a widely recognized certification and is used by consumers, investors, and other stakeholders to identify companies that are committed to doing business in a socially responsible way.