Automatic EV charging systems

WiTricity’s automotive charging system outperforms wired chargers

WiTricity is a company that develops and provides wireless charging solutions for electric vehicles (EVs). WiTricity’s wireless EV charging system uses magnetic resonance to transfer power from a floor charging pad to a receiver installed on the vehicle.

The system can charge EVs as fast and as efficiently as a Level 2 plug, without the need for cords or cables. The system also has advanced safety features, such as foreign object detection and position detection, to ensure reliable and convenient charging. WiTricity’s wireless EV charging system can work with different types of vehicles, from passenger cars to buses and trucks.

Wireless EV charging has significant business implications for the EV industry. Wireless charging can increase the adoption of EVs by reducing the hassle and anxiety of plugging in, especially for drivers who do not have access to dedicated charging stations or who live in cold climates.

Wireless charging can also enable new business models and revenue streams for commercial fleets, public transportation, and parking operators, by allowing them to charge their vehicles more frequently and efficiently.

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Image Credit: WiTricity

References: witricity