Alison Taylor – LinkedIn Top Green Voice U.S.

Keywords: Changemakers

Clinical Professor at NYU Stern School of Business, Executive Director at Ethical Systems, lots of other hats, even more opinions. Writing a book for HBR Press on how business can do the right thing in a turbulent world.

Followers: ~37,7k

Talks About:

“You can’t divorce ESG from ethics or politics,” Taylor says as she digs into the leadership imperatives in an ESG-driven world. As the executive director of a business school’s research arm, she examines what it takes to achieve meaningful corporate responsibility and why the “ESG age” is complicating how boards oversee businesses. Taylor shares actionable advice for jobseekers and headhunters about bridging the sustainability skills gap and building a career in the field.

Visit the LinkedIn Profile

Source: Date November 2022


